How to Add Custom Domain Name to Google Sites – 4 Easy Steps

Is it possible to add custom domain name to google sites? Absolutely YES. Google Sites is a Very easy Web page creation tool offered by Google, which is absolutely free of cost, the main aim of Google sites is for anyone to be able to create simple web sites to support their needs, normally a website domain will be like, but in Google sites, the own domain name will be ,, which does not sound a website at all, so we have to follow some simple steps in order to map a new URL to your google sites. 

add custom domain name to google sites

4 Steps to Add Custom Domain Name to Google Sites :

  1. Buying a Domain
  2. Verifying the Domain
  3. Mapping the Domain
  4. Adding the Domain to Google Sites

Buying a Domain :

Deciding a domain name should not be done in haste. Having your own domain name, will give you and your business a more professional look. and it adds professional credibility to your business and separates you from the millions of get-rich-quick-scheme websites out there.So, having strong domain name will increase your chances of success in the search engine ranking.

Advantages of Strong Domain Name :

  • Provides unique visibility for your brand. Much like a storefront window, a good domain will create awareness and attract customers.
  • Increases your search engine ranking. As your domain name will become more and more recognizable in search engines like Google, which helps more customers turn towards your direction.
  • Will provide brand creditability around the world, or you can choose to focus specifically in a local region.
  • Creates mobility for your internet presence and builds your reputation in the online presence

So, First you have buy a domain name,  there are many domain providers available out there, but I bought mine using, which according to me is one of the best domain providers out there. So, Click here to buy the domain using

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Verifying the Domain with Google :

For security reasons, Google Site requires that you verify your own domain name with Google. You can do this by adding a DNS TXT or CNAME record using Google Search Console

  1. Go to the Webmaster Tools home page.
  2. Log in using your Gmail account
  3. Type your domain name in the Add a Property box
  4. Click Add a Property
  5. There are two methods “Recommended” and “Alternative”, I strongly suggest you use the recommended one
  6. Check your Hostname i.e, in my case GoDaddy
  7. Click on the Verify button
  8. Then fill in your GoDaddy username and password
  9. Then Click Accept to verify the domain ownership with google
  10. Domain verification process is successfully completed 


Mapping the Domain :

  1. Log in to your Domain provider, in my case it is GoDaddy
  2. Go to manage my domain option
  3. Then click the domain which you want to add to google sites
  4. Click DNS Zone tab
  5. Go to CNAME (Alias)
  6. Create a new CNAME record with
  • Name: www
  • Type: CNAME
  • Value (Points to):
  • TTL: 1h

mapping the domain

  1. Click Addto save the record.


Adding Custom Domain to Google Sites :

      1. Log in to Google Sites, and go to your site where you want to add your custom domain.

  1. Click on the More Actionsmenu in the top right corner.

adding custom domain

  1. Select Manage Site.
  2. On the left side of the Manage Site page, click Web Address.

adding custom domain

  1. Under Add a web address box, enter your personal domain name which you now configured in domain provider (GoDaddy),

add custom URL to google sites

  1. Click Add at the top of the page to add your address.

map custom URL to google sites

  1. Your Custom Domain has been successfully verified and added to google sites

I hope this material is useful, Think big, Be Kind, and keep all your dreams alive !!!